And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God.
Revelation 15:2 NIV
There have been many ways that people have understood Revelation over the years. But I believe it was written for the benefit of the suffering church of the first century. It’s goal was to encourage them to remain faithful in spite of the suffering they were going through because of their faith in Christ. And I believe that is its primary value for us today as well. Encouragement to remain faithful. Because, if we do, we will be victorious over the beast, those who stand in opposition to God and his people.
We typically think of victory in terms of defeating our enemy. And doing it here in this life. But for us, as believers, being victorious means that we have defeated our enemy by being faithful to the Lord. Even if it results in our death. These standing before the sea of glass were those who had given their lives in defiance of the edict of the beast to bear his name. And we can join them when we choose not to align ourselves with the ways of the world. To be faithful to the one who gave his life for us.
Hello: Mr. Jarret:
I LOVE reading your articles. But what I am impressed about the most is your faithfulness and obedience to the LORD. You said you have been walking with the LORD for a long time. I would like to know some of the things he is saying to you or what he said to you. Check out some of my articles and see what GOD have spoken to me about.
May GOD Bless You and your family.
Have a Blessed Day.
Your Sister in Christ,
Wanda L. Davis
Thanks. I mostly hear from God through the Holy Spirit using the words of the Bible. Sometimes through the words of other people. And sometimes just in guiding my thoughts.