Let us rejoice and be glad
Revelation 19:7 NIV
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
The destruction of Babylon and the kingdom of the Beast mark a turning point in the book of Revelation. Even more exciting is the first picture of the marriage of the Lamb and his Bride. Who is this Bride? I believe it to be the Church, redeemed and purified by the blood of the Lamb (Eph. 5:25-27). The Bride has been through the fire (1 Pet. 1:6-7) and endured (Heb. 12:1-3). And now it is time to rejoice and exult and give God the glory.
The book of Revelation is often thought of as describing global conflict at the end of the age. But I believe it was actually written to encourage the churches of that day. Churches that were facing persecution as well as the temptation to compromise. And, I believe, it has the same purpose for us today. When as a believer, you find yourself facing trials and challenging times, and you wonder if it is worth it, just read the back of the book. We can rejoice now, not because what we are going through is good, but because it is preparing us for something that is beyond good, for our union with Christ, the marriage of the Lamb. Look ahead to that (Phil. 3:13-14), stand firm (Eph. 6:13), and rejoice (Phil. 4:4).
Can a persons name be removed from the Lambs book of Life. How is a name placed in the Lambs book? Was Judas name placed in the Lambs book or was it removed or do we know
I doubt that the book of life is a literal book. Instead, I believe it is a symbolic register of all those who belong to the Lord. When is your name placed there? Some indication is that it was before creation (Rev. 17:8). But in essence you name is recorded when you come to a saving faith in the Lord. A faith that will endure to the end. Can your name be removed? Exodus 32:32-33 suggests that it might. But if it is only placed when you come to an enduring faith, then no, it will never be removed.