A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Run to Get the Prize

1 Corinthians 9:24

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Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV

As a runner, this is an analogy that really strikes home. The Isthmian Games, held at Corinth, included running, boxing, jumping, and throwing. These games required extensive training, limiting it mostly to young men who were wealthy and didn’t have to work.

All of the contestants for an event would compete against each other. But only the winner of an event received a prize, there were no participation medals. The prize itself had very little value, being a laurel wreath to wear on your head. Its primary value lay in the honor it bestowed on the champion.

The Believer’s Race

In contrast to that is the race we run as believers. We run for a crown that will never wear out, a crown of great value. So, what does it take to win that crown? I practice running; a lot. I have learned that you cannot compete in a race if you have not invested time in preparing for it. And that is true for the race I run as a believer.

While I am not competing against other believers for a single crown (the analogy breaks down here), nonetheless, I need to fix my eye on the goal (Phil. 3:13-14) and run with perseverance. My walk with Christ is guaranteed to result in disappointment when I am sidetracked by other things and fail to focus on the race.

Persevere in your faith, until the end. That persevering faith will guarantee you victory (1 John 5:4). Run to get the prize.

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Ed Jarrett

Just an old clay jar that God continues to see fit to use in his kingdom's work. I am retired, married with 2 children, and 4 grandchildren. I have followed Jesus for many years. And I love to share what He has given me from His word.

A Note to Readers

The views expressed here are solely mine and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person, group, or organization. While I believe they reflect the teachings of the Bible, I am a fallible human and subject to misunderstanding. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about this post in the comments section below. I am always interested in your feedback.

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