The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.
Luke 8:14 NIV
In this parable, the word of God is cast into a variety of soils. And each soil represents a condition of the heart, hard, rocky, thorny, or fertile. But it is this third soil that always speaks to me. I do enjoy gardening. But I find that constant vigilance is needed to keep the weeds and thorns from choking out the plants I am trying to grow.
My life is the same way; with the weeds representing the things in this world that distract me from spiritual growth. It is a constant struggle to keep the weeds at bay and the desired crop growing. Because every time I let down my guard there is a new crop of weeds flourishing and distracting me. Fruitfulness doesn’t just happen; it takes diligence and ruthless cultivation.
the parable of the Weeds should be a daily or maybe even a by-daily read.
God knows about the weeds & their job of distraction. Satan has the weeds in his employ & they get paid overtime & bennies, so they work them selves into a frenzy where you & I won’t. If you think you are dealing with a fallible foe, think again. But, You can win & what a glorious day it will be. When you lay down, & you are a happy soul, what a day that will be…..
Yes, just like in my gardens. No matter how many I pull, more keep coming.