Create in me a pure heart, O God,
Psalm 51:10-12 NIV
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
The heading of this Psalm says that it was written by David after the prophet Nathan confronted him over his sin with Bathsheba. The psalm is an acknowledgment of his sin and a cry for mercy. David makes no attempt to hide or justify his sin, taking full responsibility for it.
Renew the Joy
And in his brokenness, David cries out for God’s renewing presence. He knows his sin has separated him from God. And he cries out for a restoration of that presence. And for the joy that comes with it.
Did David recognize the depth of his separation from God before Nathan came to him? Likely not. David was so caught up in what he was doing that he didn’t even realize his spiritual condition. Only when confronted with his sin did he realize the enormity of it and its personal cost to himself, as well as to others.
All of us are guilty of sin from time to time, and experience separation from God. But how blessed is the one who will confess and repent of their sin and seek restoration; to experience the presence of God and the joy of our salvation. Our sin might bring satisfaction for a period of time. But nothing can compare with the joy that comes from a pure heart and walking with God.
My understanding from the scriptures is that , Almighty God doesn’t delight in the enstrangement or the death of an unbeliever without weighing all the options available for a New lease of Life in Christ Jesus. Your analysis are quite succinct and Apt to everyone. Thanks for sharing.
I Agree. I believe his desire is that all would come to life in him. But he chooses to honor our choice in the matter.
I could identify with the scripture and your views in this regard. God bless you more.
Thank you. And blessings to you as well.
Your thoughts, expressions and explanations of these verses were quite helpful to me.
I am glad to hear that. Thanks for sharing.