They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
John 4:42 NIV
After Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, she returned to town and told everyone she met about Jesus. She believed that Jesus was the Messiah they had been hoping for. And many of the town’s men believed her testimony about Jesus and came out to see him. They urged Jesus to stay with them for a while. So Jesus spent two days in the town teaching them. And many more came to believe that Jesus was the savior of the world because of what they heard Jesus say.
To Know With Certainty
I believe what the men said to the woman in this verse is very important. They had initially believed because of her testimony. But now, they believed because of their own experience. Her witness opened them up to the good news and made them receptive. But when they experienced Jesus for themselves, it became much more personal.
Many people today hear about Jesus. And they respond in a variety of ways. Some reject what they hear, having no interest in the message of Christ. Others hear and intellectually accept what is said, but it does not change their lives. And, finally, some hear the message, allow it to bear fruit in their lives, and encounter the risen Messiah for themselves. And it is these who can know with certainty that Jesus is their savior.
I thank our Lord and Savior to hear my prayers after 7 years of hardship and giving me strength and faith through all this time and learnt to receive His loving answer and returning me to my family with a better job, after 8 years of taken me away of my children and wife. PRAISE TO THE LORD and encourage words from devotionals like this that helped me to seek my Heavenly Father for help and shield.
I am glad you have found these devotionals helpful in bringing you into a closer walk with our Lord.