Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 11:18-19 NIV
Moses had reminded Israel of all God had done for them. And he challenged them not to turn away from God as many had done in the past. And then, in these verses, he encouraged Israel to make God’s words to them a central part of their lives. This instruction from Moses to Israel is still very appropriate for us today. Keep God’s word close to your heart and mind. Pass it on to your children. And talk about his word whenever you are together. There is never an inappropriate time to share the word of God.
I am not an ancient Israelite who saw and experienced the miracles of God during the Exodus and wilderness wanderings. But God has redeemed me from my sinful past and has walked with me now for many years. I have seen and experienced his love and mercy in many ways. Plus, I have his word, the Bible, that he has given me to help me know him better and to help me as I walk with him.
It is important to make God’s word a priority in our hearts and minds. Passing on to our children and grandchildren what he has taught us and done for us. And sharing those things with other believers when we are together. That we so often fail to do that is reflected in our own spiritual struggles, in failing to pass on our faith to our children, and in superficial relationships with other believers. Nothing in my life should be more significant than what God is doing. So why should he not be at the center of my conversation?
Beloved Brother in Christ, Enjoyed reading your writings. Deep insights in lucid style. You have very well illustrated how very much we ought to pass on to our children what God has to aught us and done to us this Praise the Lord
Thanks for your encouraging and affirming words brother.
I only just discovered your blogs this morning and I loved reading through the few ive just read.They are richly encouraging.Thank you so very much dear Ed.God shines through them.Thank you so very much. May our God and King bless you richly in Christ.Thank you dear sweet brother.
Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words.