Even to your old age and gray hairs
Isaiah 46:4 NIV
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
This chapter starts with a prophecy concerning the gods of Babylon. Gods represented by idols of gold and wood. These idols would be going away to captivity and would have to be carried by those who worshipped them. They would be a burden to their worshippers and unable to do anything to help them.
In contrast to these captive gods who were burdensome and useless was the God of Israel. His people did not carry him, nor was he helpless to deliver them from their captivity. Instead, it was he would carry his people. He would sustain them through all that they would face. And he would rescue them from danger and captivity.
Trust God to Carry You
How like our experience today. I have many things that I value and depend on: a place to live, transportation, my retirement, a certain level of security, and much more. But all of these are uncertain and could disappear. And many of them are a burden, requiring effort on my part to keep them up and working correctly. But God is not like other things I might find security in. I can trust him to always be there for me. To carry and sustain me through difficult times. And to rescue me from danger. My ultimate security and hope rest in him and him alone. Trust God to carry you through whatever may come your way.