So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
Mark 5:20 NIV
Few of us have had the experience of this man. He had been possessed by a multitude of demons and was uncontrollable. But Jesus cast out the demons and restored his sanity. This experience was so dramatic that the townspeople pleaded with Jesus to leave. But this man who was healed remained behind and told everyone what Jesus had done for him. The difference that Jesus had made in his life was undeniable. And all the people who saw him were amazed.
Most of us do not have a conversion experience that is nearly as dramatic as this. But all of us who have come to faith in Jesus have experienced his transforming power in our lives. And, like this man, we are called to tell what Jesus has done with the world around us. We are not called to answer every theological objection that people might have. But there is no denying what Jesus has done in our lives. Simply tell them what Jesus has done for you. Your transformed life is the best witness you have for reaching other people for Christ.
This is a good point when we first meet people especially at church. Don’t pour on them the timeline of how we got through life so far without leaving out Jesus. Maybe that will shorten the story to be what they really want to know too.
Especially if we only have a short time to share, it is important to share what is most important.