A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

assurance of eternal life

Assurance of Eternal Life – 1 John 5:11-13



Can you have assurance of eternal life? You can! John says that all who have the Son can know with certainty that they have eternal life.

A Challenge to Love one another

The Challenge to Love – 1 John 4:20-21



John here challenges us with the need to love fellow believers. And not just the lovely. But also to those who act unlovingly toward you.

laying down our lives

Laying Down Our Lives – 1 John 3:16-18



Not many of us would likely think of themselves as martyrs. But as believers we are called to lay down our lives for other believers.

keep his commands

If We Keep His Commands – 1 John 2:3-6



If we do indeed know Christ, then we will keep his command to love each other. This love is a product of a saving relationship with Christ.

spiritual warfare

Ephesians: Spiritual Warfare (6:10-20)



A spiritual battle is raging all around us. Take up the armor God provides, stand your ground, and join in the fight.

Useful to the Master

Useful to the Master – 2 Timothy 2:20-21



Do you want to be useful to the Master; to God who has redeemed you? Then you need to do a dump run, getting rid of the garbage in your life.

the Bride of Christ

Ephesians: The Bride of Christ (5:25-32)



One image of the church in the New Testament is the Bride of Christ. It pictures the intimate relationship between Christ and his church.

Life in the Family

Ephesians: Life in the Family (5:21-6:9)



Paul's instructions to first century families contains useful information for families today. It also contains advice for workplace relationships.

entrusted to Christ

What I have Entrusted to Christ- 2 Timothy 1:12



In what do you trust? Much of what we might trust in will fail. Only what is entrusted into God's hands is secure. Trust him with your life.

Fight the good fight of the faith

The Good Fight of the Faith – 1 Timothy 6:12



Paul calls on us to live a much more active life for Christ than we commonly do. Lace-up the gloves and fight the good fight of the faith.

Ephesians: Imitators of God (5:1-20)



Don't be like the world around you. Instead, be imitators of God by living a life of love, living as a child of the light, and living with wisdom.

Entertaining an accusation against an elder

Handling an Accusation – 1 Timothy 5:19-20



As members, or leaders, in a local church, how should we respond to an accusation of sin on the part of our leadership?