A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

Hebrews: Superior to the Angels (1:5-14)



This passage uses seven quotes from the Old Testament to demonstrate that Christ, the Son, is superior to the angels.

Known by God

The Joy of Being Known by God – Psalm 139:1-6



God knows me. He is protecting me. And he is near. That is so comforting. And it is more than I can comprehend. God is truly amazing!

Are you known as a disciple of Jesus?

Are You Known as a Disciple of Jesus? – Acts 19:15



Do the people, and evil spirits, around you know you as a disciple of Jesus? Or is your life no different than that of the rest of the world.

Four responses to Jesus' arrest

Four Responses to Jesus’ Arrest – Matthew 27



Matthew 27 records 4 responses to Jesus' arrest & sentencing. Remorse, indifference, avoidance, & conformity. Choose instead to follow him.

Obey the Bible

Carefully Study and Obey the Bible – Ezra 7:10



We do not know a lot about Ezra. But he was careful to study and then obey the words of the Bible. And God blessed him because of it.

Faith without works is dead

Faith Without Works is Dead – James 2:17



James calls on us to test our faith. Is it active and fruitful? Or is it only an intellectual acknowledgement. Faith without works is dead and useless.

the moral argument for the existence of God

The Moral Argument: Objective Goodness Requires God



Does God exist? The Moral Argument is an apologetic argument that seeks to show that belief in the existence of God is both logical and reasonable.

a light on my path

The Bible: A Light On My Path – Psalm 119:105



As a headlamp illuminates my path in the dark of night, so the Bible is a light on my path through the spiritual darkness of this world.

Put off the old self

Put Off the Old Self – Ephesians 4:22-24



Paul calls on us to do a complete makeover. To put off the old self that is corrupted. And to put on a new self. A self created by God to be holy.

The supremacy of Christ

Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ (1:1-4)



In the prologue to Hebrews the author identifies the supremacy of Christ over the prophets and angels as well as summarizing his Christology.

do not be afraid

Do Not Be Afraid or Discouraged – 2 Chronicles 32:7-8



If you are a child of God, you do not need to be afraid of anything that may come your way. God is for you, you need not fear anything.

Be a doer of the word

Be Doers of the Word, Putting it into Practice – James 1:22-25



When you read the Bible, how do you respond? James challenges us to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. To put it into practice.