A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

life in the church

1 Peter: Life in the Church: to Love and to Serve (4:7-11)



Our life within the church should stand in contrast to what we face in the world around us. We need to be willing to love and to serve, glorifying God.

death of the wicked, killed, perishing, no pleasure in the death

No Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked – Ezekiel 18:23



Ezekiel is clear that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, preferring they turn to him. That challenges me to respond likewise.

Diversity in the Body of Christ

Diversity in the Body of Christ, A Good Thing – Matthew 10:2-4



We don't know much about many of Jesus' disciples. But they included a tax collector and a zealot. Political opposites. But chosen intentionally.

conflicts in the body

Arguing About the Meaning of Words: Avoid Conflict and Strife



Christians share a common vocabulary. But the meaning of these words can vary. Be willing to discuss these words without conflict and strife.

heavens declare the glory of God, glory, majesty

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God – Psalms 19:1-6



I love being out in the creation. And when I am, the words of this psalm are often on my lips. The heavens. and all of creation, declare the glory of God.

prayer warrior

Epaphras: Prayer Warrior Extraordinaire – Colossians 4:12



I have hear the term prayer warrior most of my life. But what does the term mean? I believe that the brief glimpse we get of Epaphras shines a light on it.

Don't give into the world's influence

1 Peter: Don’t Surrender to the World’s Influence (4:1-6)



We live in a world that will, more likely than not, ridicule those who are of faith. But don't surrender to the influence of the world. Be true to Jesus.

from everlasting to everlasting

From Everlasting to Everlasting, You Are God – Psalms 90:2



How long as God been around? Moses tells us that from everlasting to everlasting, God is. He has always been God. And he always will be God.

he must increase, but I must decrease

He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease – John 3:30



He must increase while I must decrease. That should be my goal in serving Christ. To deflect attention away from myself and toward him.

What must I do to be saved?

What Must I Do to Be Saved? Believe in Jesus!



What must I do to be saved? This is the most important question a person can ask. And the answer? Believe on, put your trust in, the Lord Jesus Christ.

who can condemn those Christ died for

Who Can Condemn Those Christ Died For? – Romans 8:33-34



Who can condemn the ones for whom Christ died? Especially since the one who died for us is at the hand of the Father interceding for us.

imprisoned spirits

1 Peter: Imprisoned Spirits and Baptism (3:19-22)



One of the most challenging passages in 1 Peter deals with these imprisoned spirits who are facing judgement. Yet that can give us hope in our suffering.