A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

an anchor in the midst of change

An Anchor in the Midst of Change- Hebrews 6:19-20



Change is an inevitable part of life. But when it disrupts your life, do you have an anchor that will hold you in the midst of that change?

the parable of the persistent widow

Parable of the Persistent Widow – Luke 18:1-8



The parable of the persistent widow teaches us to be faithful in bringing our needs before God. He loves us and will respond. In his time.

are you ready

Are You Ready? – Matthew 24:45-25:13



Jesus promised that he would return for those who are his. Are you ready for it? We don't know when. But we should live in expectation of it.

living in the Spirit

Living in the Flesh or in the Spirit – Romans 8:5-8



We can live according to the flesh. Or according to the Spirit. The former leads to death while the latter leads to life and peace.

The parable of the rich fool

The Parable of the Rich Fool – Luke 12:13-21



There is nothing wrong with having wealth. But, unlike the rich fool, we should recognize it is temporary, and work toward eternal riches.

lost and found parables

The Lost and Found Parables – Luke 15:3-32



Jesus told three parables about something that was lost, but had been found. And the rejoicing in heaven over what was found.

If there were no God

What If There Were No God?



What would life be like if there was no concept of God? How different would human morality be from chimpanzees without eternal consequences?

The Parables of the Precious – Matthew 13:44-46



The parable of the pearl and the parable of the hidden treasure express the value of the kingdom of God. Will we give up everything for it?

example of the early church

The Example of the Early Church – Acts 2:42-47



The example of the early church provides us with a successful template for being the church today. Be devoted to God and the body of Christ.

The exaltation of Jesus

The Exaltation of Jesus – Philippians 2:5-11



This early hymn is one of exaltation for Jesus, one who was fully God, who became fully man, and who died as a sacrifice for our sin.

why I believe in God

Why Do I Believe in God?



Why do I believe in God rather than the opposite option? Mostly because of my own personal experience. And because it makes more sense to me.

into the mountains to pray

Going into the Mountains to Pray – Matthew 14:23



I love Jesus example of going out into the mountains to pray. I enjoy the time when I can get out like that and spend time alone with God.