A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

I cannot, but God can

I Can Not, but God Can – Genesis 41:16



God never will ask me to do something that he will not help me to accomplish. When I trust in him, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

Is the Lord's message offensive to you?

Is the Lord’s Message Offensive to You? – Jeremiah 6:10



Many find the call to authentic discipleship offensive and close their ears to the Lord’s entreaty to become a living sacrifice for him.

Focusing on what we have in common

Focusing On What We Have In Common – Ephesians 4:4-6



We should always strive to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. To love as brothers and sisters within the family of God.

Anguish for the lost

Anguish for the Lost – Jeremiah 4:19



What difference would it make today if, as believers, we really took to heart the fate of those facing destruction because of their unbelief?

Don't just go through the motions, pretending you are something you're not.

Don’t Just Go Through the Motions – Jeremiah 3:10-11



Just going through the motions, no matter how good they might seem, will not cut it. God wants no less from me than complete surrender.

Isn't this the carpenter's son?

Isn’t This the Carpenter’s Son? – Matthew 13:55-56



Jesus was the carpenter’s son. But he is so much more. He is the Lord of all creation. He is worthy of your utmost devotion and praise.

Accounting for every worthless word

Accounting for Every Worthless Word – Matthew 12:36-37



What kind of fruit does your life produce? Good fruit that is pleasing to our Lord and that reveals a transformed life? Or something else?

Let your giving be in secret

Let Your Giving Be in Secret – Matthew 6:3-4



Always be careful of your motive in giving. Don’t let your need for human acclaim cost you the reward the Father has for you.

The secrets of the kingdom are hidden from the wise but revealed to little children

Hidden From the Wise and Revealed to Children – Matthew 11:25



Only when we surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and become “little children” will God reveal to us the secrets of the kingdom.

Turing water into wine

Turning Water into Wine – John 2:9-10



The old wine (the Sinai covenant) was good. But even better is the new wine of Jesus. It does what the old covenant could not.

Jesus and the Year of Jubilee

Jesus and the Year of Jubilee – Luke 4:21



Jesus is what the Year of Jubilee pictured and Isaiah looked forward to. On the cross, he announced freedom for those in bondage to sin.

The choice is yours: Life, or death

The Choice is Yours: Life or Death – Deuteronomy 30:19



The choice is yours. Will you obey and live? The choice to obey can be hard, but at the end of it, eternity with our Lord awaits.