A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

A Clay Jar Blog Posts

Understanding the creation story

Understanding the Creation Story in Genesis 1?



As modern day readers, how should we understand the creation story in Genesis 1. Is it a literal and factual history, a myth, or somewhere in between?

Worship God Regardless the Circumstances – Job 1:20



Do you worship God only when life is good? If so, you should read Job. He worshipped God even in the midst of great calamity and suffering.

Unfinished Deeds

Wake Up! The Tragedy of Unfinished Deeds – Rev. 3:2



Are you depending on your reputation as a Christian? If you are, Jesus warns you about your unfinished deeds, telling you to wake up.

to be in Christ

What Does it Mean to Be In Christ?



Repeatedly the New Testament talks about us being in Christ. When I am in him, I am saved. When I am not in him, I am lost.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Be Transformed, Not Conformed – Romans 12:2



It is easy to conform to the culture you live in. But we are called to be transformed. To be different that the world. And to know God's perfect will.

incomparable riches of his grace

The Incomparable Riches of His Grace – Eph. 2:6-7



Even when I was dead, God raised me up with Christ. Why? To demonstrate the incomparable riches of his grace. Amazing!

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Tongues



Just what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? The Scripture teaches that all believers have been baptised by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.

For to us a child is born

For to Us a Child Is Born – Isaiah 9:1-7



For to us, a child is born. And that child is Jesus, God himself, wrapped in flesh. Come and adore him this Christmas.

Son of the Most High

He Will Be Called Son of the Most High – Luke 1:31-33



This Christmas celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of the Most High. A King whose reign will never end. And bow before him in worship.

hiddenness of God

The Hiddenness of God: An Objection to God’s Existence



Why does God seem hidden? Does he not want us to believe that he exists? Or does he want more? To have us respond to him in faith and love.

blessed because of Joseph

Blessed Because of Joseph – Genesis 39:5



Does God bless faithfulness? I believe he does. And the story of Joseph shows that others will also be blessed because of our faithfulness.

The power of the Holy Spirit

The Power of the Holy Spirit for the Believer



In some circles the Holy Spirit is the forgotten member of the Trinity. But the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for living as a child of God.