This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of Leviticus. Leviticus continues the giving of the law that was stated in Exodus, with a focus on the sacrificial system and cleanliness. But the primary contribution of Leviticus is in becoming a holy people.

Be Holy, Because I Am Holy – Leviticus 11:45
Because God is holy, as his children we are also expected to be holy. Seek to be like him, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

The Basis for Obedience – Leviticus 19:3
Why should we obey God? Out of fear of punishment? In hope of reward? Or out of obedience? That he is God should be reason enough.

Because I Am the LORD Your God – Leviticus 20:7-8
Why are we expected to be holy, set apart from the rest of the world? That expectation is rooted in who God is.

Without Defect or Blemish – Leviticus 22:21
God calls on us to give him the best that we have, sacrifices without defect or blemish. Don't just give him your leftovers.