1 Chronicles
This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of 1 Chronicles. 1 Chronicles is a retelling of the history of the southern kingdom of Judah, written around the return of Judah from Babylonian exile. 1 Chronicles begins with Adam and progresses to the end of David’s reign.

Understanding the Times – 1 Chronicles 12:32
How well do you understand the times we live in today? Are you seeing them from a human perspective? Or as God does, and acting accordingly?

Give Thanks to the Lord – 1 Chronicles 16:34
No matter what we might face in our lives, it is always appropriate to give thanks to the Lord. He is good, and we can trust that he loves us.

An Everlasting Kingdom – 1 Chronicles 17:11-14
The promise made to David of an everlasting kingdom is one that finds its fulfillment in the Jesus, a descendant of David.

A Sacrifice that Costs Nothing – 1 Chronicles 21:24
How much do you give to God? Is it a sacrifice that really costs you nothing? Or are you sacrificially giving him all that you are?

Everything Comes from God – 1 Chronicles 29:14
As David says, "Everything we have comes from God." So when we give to him, we are simply returning back what is his.