A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is a collection of devotional posts from the book of Romans. They are sorted according to when they were written, with the most recent first. To see them in their biblical order, select them from the menu.

The New Way of the Spirit

The New Way of the Spirit – Romans 7:6



We are called to serve God, not in a legalistic fashion, but in the new way of the Spirit. As children of God, coming to know and follow him.

Sin and the Law

Sin and the Law – Romans 7:8-9



Without the law, sin does not have an opportunity to express itself. But when a commandment is given, the ugliness within us is exposed.

War within

The War Within, the Flesh vs. the Spirit – Romans 7:21-25



The war within the believer between the old man and the new is a reality for all of us. But his Spirit enables us to have victory.

no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

No Condemnation for Those in Christ Jesus – Romans 8:1-4



There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and who walk by the Spirit. We do not need to fear what the future holds.

living in the Spirit

Living in the Flesh or in the Spirit – Romans 8:5-8



We can live according to the flesh. Or according to the Spirit. The former leads to death while the latter leads to life and peace.

Life in the Spirit

Life in the Spirit – Romans 8:12-14



As a believer, I am expected to no longer live like the world does, satisfying my desires. Instead, I am to experience life in the Spirit.

suffering for Christ

Suffering for Christ and Future Glory – Romans 8:17-18



As a child of God I am his heir, so long as I am willing to suffer for Christ. But that suffering is nothing compared to the glory that awaits me as God's heir.

All of creation is groaning

The Whole Creation Is Groaning – Romans 8:19-22



The whole creation groans and awaits its liberation from decay. It will be renewed at the revelation of God's children when Christ returns.

Waiting for our adoption

Waiting for Our Adoption As Children – Romans 8:23-25



As the whole creation groans in anticipation of the unveiling of God's children, so the children themselves groan as we wait for our adoption.

groaning of the Holy Spirit

The Wordless Groaning of the Holy Spirit – Romans 8:26-27



The Holy Spirit groans on my behalf, interceding with the Father on my behalf. My words are inadequate. But the Holy Spirit's are not.

Good works for our good

God Works for Our Good In All Things – Romans 8:28



'In all things, God works for our good' is not a promise for prosperity. It is a statement that God will be working to accomplish his good in me.

the golden chain of salvation

The Golden Chain of Salvation – Romans 8:29-30



Those that God foreknew he has predestined, called, justified and glorified. This is the golden chain of salvation.