A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Posts falling under this category are studies in Revelation, the revelation of Jesus Christ to John the apostle. Revelation is an apocalyptic writing, written to the first century church of Asia Minor to encourage them in the midst of the suffering for the cause of Christ.

carrying out God's Purpose

Carrying Out God’s Purpose – Revelation 17:17



God is in control. He even directs the affairs of nations in the accomplishment of his purpose for creation. He will not be thwarted.

come out of Babylon

Come Out of Babylon – Revelation 18:4



As believers we need to come out of Babylon. Don't be a part of this world and its way of doing things. But seek after holiness instead.

the marriage of the Lamb

The Marriage of the Lamb – Revelation 19:7



The marriage of the Lamb is coming and his Bride the Church) is making herself ready. Hold onto that hope during the trials of this life.

The Rider on a White Horse

The Rider on a White Horse – Revelation 19:11-14



Jesus is pictured here as a rider on a white horse, leading his army to defeat those who have oppressed his people. So be faithful to him.

millennium kingdom

The Millennium Kingdom – Revelation 20:4



How should we understand this passage that describes the millennium kingdom? Is this a critical doctrine, or less important?

When Hope Becomes Reality

When Hope Becomes Reality – Revelation 21:3-4



Our hope as believers is that this life is not all that there is. Revelation helps us to look toward that time when our hope becomes reality.

Those Who Are Victorious

Those Who Are Victorious – Revelation 21:7



There is a great reward for those who are victorious. For those who remain faithful to the Lord up until the end.

unveiling the bride

Unveiling of the Bride – Revelation 21:9-10



The Holy City, the New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ, a redeemed and glorious church prepared for her wedding to the Lamb. How great to be a part of that.

tree of life

The Tree of Life Restored – Revelation 22:1-2



The tree of life was lost in Eden, but it is restored in the Holy City, the new paradise. Blessed are those who can eat from the tree of life.

Come to the Water of Life

Come to the Water of Life – Revelation 22:17



God's gift of salvation is freely offered to all. If you are thirsty, come and drink from the water of life. Experience life anew with God.