A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Doctrine of Salvation

This is a series of theological posts that deal with the doctrine of salvation. This doctrine is related to the doctrines of the work of Jesus, humanity, and sin.

What is circumcision

What Does the Bible Say about Circumcision?



What role does circumcision play for a follower of Jesus? It is still a practice that we should follow? Or is it unnecessary today?

Abraham's test

Abraham’s Test: The Sacrifice of Isaac As a Burnt Offering



God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. What was Abraham's test all about? Was it for God's benefit? Or Abraham's?

Job: a lesson about suffering

The Book of Job: A Lesson About Suffering



The book of Job is about suffering. Why do we suffer? God's answer to Job is that it is often beyond our understanding.

the nature of free will

God, Israel, and the Nature of Free Will



What is the nature of free will? Is it an illusion? Are our choices made for us by outside forces? Or can we actually make real decisions?

You're never too old to serve God

You’re Never Too Old to Be Used by God



Are you ever too old to be of service in God's kingdom? The story of Moses would tell us that we are never too old, no matter our age.

The Importance of Being Faithful Until the End



Repeatedly the Scripture exhorts us to remain faithful to the end. The life of King Asa is a lesson on failing to do that.

evil in the spiritual realm

What the Bible Says About the Evil in the Spiritual Realm



This post is looking at what the Scripture says about the spiritual realm. And, especially, at evil in the spiritual realm.

Holiness: Being Holy. And Being Made Holy.



Holiness is not just something expected of some believers. All of us who belong to Christ are holy, and are expected to live holy lives.

prosperity of the wicked

Don’t Envy the Prosperity of the Wicked – Psalm 73



Do you ever find yourself envying the prosperity of the wicked? If you do, you are not alone. But consider their fate, and rejoice in God.

walking with Christ

Walking With Christ: Backpacking as a Model



The Scripture uses many metaphors to describe walking with Christ. I have found that backpacking works well for me in describing that walk.

Faithful to God

Living Faithful to God in the Midst of a Godless World



One of the challenges facing believers today is our relationship with the world around us. How do we live faithfully to God in a pagan world?

The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden

Life in the Garden of Eden: Then and Now



The Bible pictures humanity beginning in the Garden of Eden. And it looks to Christ's work on the cross to return us to that Garden.