A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is an upper-level category for A Clay Jar. It encompasses all of the posts that are related to Christianity. This includes small Bible devotionals, longer book and topic studies, and larger theological posts.

mark of a real disciple

The Mark of a Real Disciple of Jesus? – Matthew 7:21-23



The mark of a real disciple is not based on religious activity. Instead it is centered around doing the will of God. To obey is better than sacrifice.

saved because of his mercy

Because of His Mercy – Titus 3:3-5



God did not call me because I was anyway worthy of it. I was far from worthy. He saved me because of his great mercy toward me.

God's not finished with me yet

God Is Not Finished With Me Yet – Philippians 1:6



Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet. I am a work in progress. Not by my own efforts. But by the one who knows me best.

deceied by fine-sounding arguments

Deceived by Fine-Sounding Arguments – Colossians 2:2-4



There are many teachers who will lead the unwary astray. Do not be deceived by fine-sounding arguments. Compare everything against Christ.

the privilege of prayer

The Privilege of Prayer – Matthew 6:5-13



Prayer! What a wonderful, and often underutilized, privilege we have. The creator and ruler of the universe invites us into his presence.

the golden chain of salvation

The Golden Chain of Salvation – Romans 8:29-30



Those that God foreknew he has predestined, called, justified and glorified. This is the golden chain of salvation.

Are Miracles Possible?

Are Miracles Possible?



Are miracles real? A miracle is, by definition, an act of God. So if God exists, and I believe he does, they should be expected to occur.

are you a saint

Are You A Saint, Loved by God? – Romans 1:7



Are you a saint? If you are a child of God, loved by God, then you are a saint. So you should live lives set apart for his service.

to die is gain. Life at home in heaven

To Live Is Christ and to Die Is Gain – Philippians 1:20-24



How many of us look forward to our physical death? I suspect not many. But, as Paul said, to die is gain. Because then we are with our Lord.

even on the Gentiles

Even On the Gentiles – Acts 10:44-46



Who are the Gentiles in your life? The ones that you would be amazed to see come to Christ? Is there anyone you would not share Christ with?

the key to revival

The Key To Revival – 2 Chronicles 7:14



The church in America seems to be dangerously lukewarm. We need revival, and the key is to humble ourselves, pray, and seek the Lord.

sharing your personal experience

The Importance of Personal Experience – John 9:25



How do you respond to those who ask about your faith? One thing each of should be able to do is share our personal experience with Christ.