A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is an upper-level category for A Clay Jar. It encompasses all of the posts that are related to Christianity. This includes small Bible devotionals, longer book and topic studies, and larger theological posts.

why worry

Why Worry? Trust God Instead – Luke 12:22-26



We worry about many things. Mostly things we have no control over. Rather than worry, we should trust in the Lord who can easily care for us.

listen to Jesus

Listen to Jesus, the Beloved Son of God – Mark 9:5-7



Many people throughout history have had valuable things to say. But none that compare to Jesus. Listen to Jesus and what he has to say.

God's commands verses human tradition

God’s Commands Verses Human Tradition – Mark 7:6-8



It is easy to allow our human traditions to become a substitute for authentic worship. We should be careful to worship with God all our heart.

source of morality

The Source of Morality



Where does morality come from? Is it socially derived from society or a product evolution? Maybe some. But much of it must come from elsewhere.

enter through the narrow gate

Enter Through the Narrow Gate – Matthew 7:13-14



Which gate will you enter? The one to life? Or the one to destruction? Choose the road less traveled, and walk down it with Jesus.

rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all things

Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18



Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Nothing needs saying.

Being made new in Christ

Being Made New in Christ! – Galatians 2:20



It is tempting to think that all I need to do as a Christian is to tweak my life a bit. But in reality, we are called to be made new. To be transformed.

make visible progress in the faith

Showing Visible Progress in the Faith – 1 Timothy 4:12-16



Am I growing in my faith? Do others see any growth in me? Should I not be demonstrating visible progress in the growth of my faith?

canonization of the New Testament

Canonization of the New Testament



How did we get the New Testament that we have today? What process was used in its canonization? And who decided what to include?

enemies of the cross

Living As Enemies of the Cross of Christ – Philippians 3:17-21



It is sad that many who call themselves Christians actually live as enemies of the cross of Christ, failing to honor him with their lives.

Shining in the Darkness

A Light Shining In the Darkness – Matthew 4:16



Honor Christ today as Lord and God! Let the light of Christ shine out from you into the darkness that is enveloping our world.

The reliability of the New Testament texts

The Reliability of the New Testament Texts



Can we have any confidence in the reliability of the New Testament texts? Is what we have today essentially the same as the original?