A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Atonement by Christ

What is the purpose of the atonement?

What is the Purpose of the Atonement?



What is the purpose of the atonement? Was it simply to forgive our sins? Or does it have a greater significance?

The Mercy Seat

What Is the Mercy Seat? And Why Is It Important?



The Mercy Seat was the cover of the ark and the place where the blood of the atoning sacrifice was sprinkled. Jesus is our Mercy Seat.

Christ Became Sin for Us

Christ Became Sin for Us



A great exchange took place when I came to faith. Christ became sin for me. And in return, I received his righteousness.

Jesus our savior

Jesus: Our Savior – Doctrine 204



What humanity could not do for ourselves, God did by sending Jesus, his Son, to be our savior. He gave up his life on the cross for my sin.

the curtain was torn

The Curtain Was Torn in Two – Matthew 27:50-51



At Jesus' death, God tore the curtain that separated humanity from himself. Atonement for sin had been accomplished, offering us new life.

It is finished

It Is Finished – John 19:30



Jesus' last words on the cross were, "it is finished." His task on earth was complete. His sacrifice of atonement for sin had been made.

reconciling all things

Reconciling All Things on Earth and in Heaven – Col. 1:19-20



Through the blood of Christ, shed on the cross, God is working to reconcile to himself all things. Both on the earth and in heaven

Jesus is fully human

Hebrews: Jesus Is Fully Human in Every Way (2:14-18)



Jesus became fully human in every way, allowing him to defeat death and to become our perfect high priest, offering himself as our atonement.

by his wounds we are healed

By His Wounds We Are Healed – Isaiah 53:5-6



Take time today to read this song, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, and meditate on its words. Remember it is by Jesus' wounds that we are healed.

God Loves the Whole World, with No Exception



And John makes it clear that God loves the world. Not just some people who are in the world. But he has a love for everyone. And Jesus came to be the savior of everyone. And all who will believe in him will experience that salvation he offers. Those who refuse to believe will remain in this world and be condemned.

doctrine of the work of Jesus

The Doctrine of the Work of Jesus Christ



The primary work of Jesus is offering himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus' atonement for us is essential for our salvation.

The doctrine of atonement, atonement for all

Arminianism: Atonement for All



The atoning sacrifice of Jesus was made for the sins of the whole world. But that atonement is only effective to those who believe.