A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


what is an atheist

So Just What Is An Atheist



What is an atheist? Is there a definition that everyone can agree on? Is it just the belief that God does not exist? Or something else?

why I believe in God

Top 10 Reasons Why I Believe in God



This post is a light-hearted look at 10 reasons why I believe in God. They are likely not convincing but may help in understanding why I do.

why I believe in God

Why Do I Believe in God?



Why do I believe in God rather than the opposite option? Mostly because of my own personal experience. And because it makes more sense to me.

The doctrine of faith

The Doctrine of Faith: the Human Response to God’s Grace



The doctrine of faith asserts that faith is more than intellectual assent that God exists. It is earnestly seeking God and making Jesus Lord.

I believe God exists

I Believe in God. And It Makes a Difference!



I believe in God; that he is real and that he has a purpose for his creation and for me. I cannot prove that to you, but it is reasonable.