Body of Christ

The Head of the Body – Colossians 1:18a
When each of us is properly connected to Jesus as the head of the body, and functioning correctly, the body will be healthy and productive

Devoted to One Another with Mutual Love – Romans 12:10
As a community of believers, be committed to each other. Not just having casual relationships but being devoted to one another in love.

The Temple of God: Past, Present, and Future
Under the Old Covenant the temple, and the tabernacle before it, served to symbolize God's presence among the people. It was the focus of their worship. But the need for a separate physical structure disappeared at Pentecost when God's Spirit took up his dwelling with a living temple made up of all believers.

Ephesians: Put on the New Self (4:17-32)
How can I be an effective member of the body of Christ? Take off the old self and put on a new self. One made in the image of Christ.

Spiritual Gifts: Given to the Body – 1 Corinthians 12:7
As believers, each of us has been gifted to serve the rest of the body. Our spiritual gifts are not for us, but for the body.

On This Rock I Will Build My Church – Matthew 16:15-18
Jesus said that on this rock I will build my church. What is this church that Jesus will build on the rock. And what is the purpose of that church?