A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Christian Lifestyle

your God will be my God

Your God Will Be My God – Ruth 1:16-17



Do others see God within us? And see a Lord that would make them want to know him as well? That seems to be part of what drew Ruth to Naomi.

Please God, not men

Pleasing God Rather than People – 1 Thessalonians 2:4



Like Paul, my goal should be to be pleasing to God rather than to the people around me. He is the one I am answerable to in the end.

Live a life worthy of the Lord

Living Worthy of the Lord – Colossians 1:9-10



Can you live a life that is worthy of the Lord? We can with the knowledge and wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives. And that should be our goal.

give to the needy

Sermon on the Mount: Give to the Needy – Matthew 6:1-4



Jesus assumes that we will be giving to the poor and needy among us. His challenge to us as we do that, is to do it quietly and secretly.

Lending a helping hand

Lend a Helping Hand to an Enemy – Exodus 23:4-5



Our natural reaction is often to turn away from helping an enemy. But this passage instructs us to lend a helping hand to them.

walking with Christ

Walking With Christ: Backpacking as a Model



The Scripture uses many metaphors to describe walking with Christ. I have found that backpacking works well for me in describing that walk.

gain the world and lose your soul

Gain the World and Lose Your Soul – Mark 8:36



Jesus warns us about the dangers of trying to gain the things of this world and the possibility that you could lose your soul in the process.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Be Transformed, Not Conformed – Romans 12:2



It is easy to conform to the culture you live in. But we are called to be transformed. To be different that the world. And to know God's perfect will.

guard over my mouth, speech and words

Set a Guard Over My Mouth – Psalm 141:3



How often do we speak careless words? The psalmist's prayer that God would set a guard over his mouth should be echoed by all of God's people.

No matter how small, you can make a difference

You Can Make a Difference – 2 Kings 5:2-3



You can make a difference in the lives of those around you. Even seemingly insignificant actions can have an impact.

Christian ethical behavior

1 Peter: Christian Ethical Behavior (3:8-12)



How do we live in community and with those on the outside. Peter here gives us a brief synopsis on Christian ethical behavior. Turn from evil and do good!

Foreigners and Exiles

1 Peter: Living As Foreigners and Exiles (2:11-17)



Peter calls on us to live as foreigners and exiles in this world. We need to be sure that our lives in this world reflect well on God and his kingdom.