A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


in-person worship service

Follow-up to Attending In-Person Worship Services



This is a follow-up post to the one describing my in-person worship experience. Unlike the first trip, this one was much better,

in-person worship service

I Attended In-Person Worship Service Today



I attended in person worship service today for the first time in 13 months. And it was a big challenge for this introvert / hermit.

the mystery of Christ

The Mystery of Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory



Paul describes the mystery of Christ as being Christ in us. We are the temple he lives in. And that magnifies the call for personal holiness.

What happened at Pentecost?

What Really Happened at Pentecost? – Acts 2



The second chapter of Acts records the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But what is the significance of what happened at Pentecost?

Can a believer with with God apart from a community of other believers?

Can I Walk with God Alone, Apart from Other Believers?



Is it possible to have a living relationship with God apart from being an active member of a local church body? I don't believe so.

Jesus was made perfect through his suffering

Hebrews: Made Perfect Through Suffering (2:10-13)



Jesus, the author of our salvation, was made perfect, as a savior, through his suffering on the cross. The perfect lamb sacrificed for us.

The Temple of God

The Temple of God: Past, Present, and Future



Under the Old Covenant the temple, and the tabernacle before it, served to symbolize God's presence among the people. It was the focus of their worship. But the need for a separate physical structure disappeared at Pentecost when God's Spirit took up his dwelling with a living temple made up of all believers.

Being a part of the body of Christ

A Part of the Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:27



If you are truly a child of God, then you are a part of the body of Christ. Be the body part you were called and equipped to be.

the doctrine of the Kingdom of God

The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God



What is the Kingdom of God that is spoken of so much in the New Testament. It is the spiritual rule of God in the life of believers.

Israel and the Church

What is the Relationship Between Israel and the Church?



Israel and the Church! Has the church replaced Israel? Are there two covenant people? Or are they just one new body in Christ?

the Bride of Christ

Ephesians: The Bride of Christ (5:25-32)



One image of the church in the New Testament is the Bride of Christ. It pictures the intimate relationship between Christ and his church.

Life in the Family

Ephesians: Life in the Family (5:21-6:9)



Paul's instructions to first century families contains useful information for families today. It also contains advice for workplace relationships.