A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


What do we have to offer God?

What Do We Have to Offer God? – Job 22:2-3



God did not need to create us. But he did. And it was for our benefit, not his. A benefit that is most fully realized in the life to come.

The Olympic Mountains: All the Fullness of Deity in Bodily Form

All the Fullness of Deity in Bodily Form – Colossians 2:9-10



Give your allegiance to Jesus, the one who is fully God and fully human. Jesus is the head over all of creation, physical and spiritual.

What Is God’s Name?

What Is God’s Name? – Exodus 3:14-15



God’s “name” reflects who he is, the holy, eternal self-existent one, as well as what he is, our creator, redeemer, and Father.

Pride is a pathway to foolishness

Pride: A Pathway to Foolishness – Romans 1:22-23



Study, learn and grow. But don't let your pride in human accomplishment cause you to forget the creator and become a pathway to foolishness.

without excuse

Being Without Excuse – Romans 1:18-20



The creation itself bears witness to God's power and majesty. And so men are without excuse when they deny the one true God.

Who is this man

Who Is This Man that Can Calm Wind and Waves? – Mark 4:41



Who is this man who is able to calm the wind and the waves by command? Jesus is more than just a teacher and healer. He is creator and God.

does it matter

Does It Matter If We Were Created, or Not?



On a practical level, does it matter if we were created, or just a cosmic accident? I believe it makes a dramatic difference in how we live.

purpose without God

What Purpose Can We Have Without God?



What purpose is there in life with God? Can we have real purpose if we are just a cosmic accident without any real significance?