A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


The cross was the original plan all along.

The Cross Was the Original Plan – 1 Peter 1:20



We like to divide history around the birth of Jesus. But the dividing point in history is really the cross, God's original plan.

Four women sitting around a table - The women at the cross

The Women at the Cross – John 19:25



Who were the women at the cross? Some are well known. But there is one mystery woman. Is she the mother of James and John and sister of Mary?

The Foolishness and Weakness of God

The Foolishness and Weakness of God – 1 Corinthians 1:25



It is through the weakness and foolishness of the cross that the wisdom and power of God are displayed in the creation of a new humanity.

It is completed

It Is Completed – John 19:30



God's work of redemption, foretold in the Old Testament, was completed as Jesus gave his life as the atoning sacrifice for the world.

The Hour has Come

The Hour has Come – John 12:23



It was on the cross that Jesus was glorified, when he defeated the forces of evil, and began to reign. The cross was his enthronement.

the curtain was torn

The Curtain Was Torn in Two – Matthew 27:50-51



At Jesus' death, God tore the curtain that separated humanity from himself. Atonement for sin had been accomplished, offering us new life.

power and might of God

Revealing the Power and Might of God – Jeremiah 16:21



The power and might of God is displayed in many ways in the Bible. But none more life changing than in the cross of Jesus.

the message and power of the cross

The Power of the Cross – 1 Corinthians 1:18



It is through the message of the cross that the power of God works in the lives of believers. The cross truly is good news for us.

tearing down the dividing wall of hostility

Ephesians: Tearing Down the Wall of Hostility (2:11-22)



Jesus' death on the cross tore down the dividing wall of hostility separating Jew from Gentile. In his death, the law is fulfilled.

Isn’t There Anyone Who Knows What Christmas Is All About?



What is Christmas all about? It is God, becoming a man, preparing to offer his life as an atonement for us, so that we might have life,

a demonstration of love

The Cross: A Demonstration of Love – Romans 5:8



There are several reasons for the cross. But primary among them is that it is a demonstration of love, good in any language.

the other side of the cross

The Cross: A Look From the Other Side – Colossians 2:13-15



We most often see the physical side of the cross. But at the cross, Jesus defeated his enemies, and ours. The cross was his greatest victory.