A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

The Marks of Discipleship

The posts with this tag are ones that look at discipleship and what a disciple of Jesus should be about.

The cost of following Jesus

The Cost of Following Jesus – Matthew 19:21-22



Let go of those things that keep you from fully following Jesus. Let go and follow Jesus wherever he leads. And you will have eternal life.

The discipline of fasting

The Discipline of Fasting – Matthew 6:16-18



The discipline of fasting, when combined with prayer, can make us more attentive to hearing God as we seek his face.

Let Your Light Shine Out

Let Your Light Shine Out – Psalm 106:35-36



As God's people, we need to a distinct people, in this world, but not a part of it. We should be a light to a world living in darkness.

Is the Lord's message offensive to you?

Is the Lord’s Message Offensive to You? – Jeremiah 6:10



Many find the call to authentic discipleship offensive and close their ears to the Lord’s entreaty to become a living sacrifice for him.

Don't just go through the motions, pretending you are something you're not.

Don’t Just Go Through the Motions – Jeremiah 3:10-11



Just going through the motions, no matter how good they might seem, will not cut it. God wants no less from me than complete surrender.

The 144,000 and an Enormous Crowd

The 144,000 and an Enormous Crowd – Revelation 7:4, 9



The sealed 144,000 represent believers at the beginning of their journey while the enormous crowd is the same group at the journey's end.

A thorn in your side

A Thorn in Your Side – Numbers 33:52, 55



The idols in our lives are like thorns in the flesh, hindering our walk with the Lord and keeping us from experiencing his fullness.

To drink from Jesus' cup

To Drink from Jesus’ Cup – Matthew 20:21-23



Jesus called all his disciples, both then and now, to take up our crosses and follow him. To give our lives to him and for him.

A tale of two disciples

A Tale of Two Disciples – Mark 14:9-10



Will you be remembered as a Mary, one who loved Jesus deeply? Or a Judas, one whose life was a betrayal of Jesus’ life and teaching?

Committed to Following the Lord

Committed to Following the Lord – Exodus 24:3



How often do I fail in my daily commitment to follow the Lord? Too often! But he loves me anyway. And each day I start anew, seeking his way.

Receive your sight and follow Jesus

Receive Sight and Follow – Matthew 20:34



The blind men who were healed followed Jesus. Jesus today offers sight to all who are spiritually blind, calling on us to follow after him.

What Must I Do to Get Eternal Life

What Must I Do to Get Eternal Life – Matthew 19:16, 21



The young man asked Jesus, "what must I do to get eternal life." And Jesus responded with "leave everything behind, and follow me."