A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


repentance and faith

Repentance and Faith – Acts 20:21



Paul's primary mission was to call people to turn to God in repentance and to have faith in our Lord Jesus. Should we not follow his example?

responsibility for sharing the gospel

Responsibility for Sharing the Gospel – Acts 18:6



How much responsibility do I bear for the lost that I encounter but do not share Christ with? Am I a faithful watchman, giving a warning?

witness for Jesus

Being a Witness for Jesus Wherever You Are – Acts 1:8



Jesus' call to be his witness isn't just something expected of the first generation of believers. His call is to all who have experienced him.

even on the Gentiles

Even On the Gentiles – Acts 10:44-46



Who are the Gentiles in your life? The ones that you would be amazed to see come to Christ? Is there anyone you would not share Christ with?

sharing your personal experience

The Importance of Personal Experience – John 9:25



How do you respond to those who ask about your faith? One thing each of should be able to do is share our personal experience with Christ.

What would Jesus do?

What Would Jesus Do? – Matthew 9:9-13



What would Jesus do if he came to town? I think he would be hanging out with 'sinners' rather than us good Christian folk, safely tucked into our churches.