A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Discerning God's will

Discerning God’s Will – Acts 16:9-10



How can you discern God's will for your life? That can be hard. But just be faithful in serving him and look for doors to open and close.

An Open Door No One Can Shut

An Open Door No One Can Shut – Revelation 3:8



The church of Philadelphia had been faithful through many trials. And now an open door was placed before them that no one could shut.

A Clay Jar Home Page, introverts in the church, my journey of faith

My Journey of Faith



As I turn 70 years old, with 50+ years as a believer, I find it is a good time to look back over this journey of faith I have been on.

Worshipping God and Serving Idols

Worshipping God and Serving Idols – 2 Kings 17:41



Are you worshipping God while at the same time serving idols? Be careful not to allow family, work, or pleasure take God's place in your life.

Our God Is Able to Deliver Us

Our God Is Able to Deliver Us – Daniel 3:17-18



Follow the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and refuse to compromise. Trust that our God is able to deliver us from ever any peril.

Because the Days Are Evil

Because the Days Are Evil – Ephesians 5:15-16



As believers, we are called to be careful in how we live our lives. The days are evil. So be wise and make the most of our opportunities.

Never Be Lacking in Zeal

Never Be Lacking in Zeal – Romans 12:11



This is an important reminder for those of us who have served the Lord for many years. Never be lacking in zeal. Keep your spiritual fervor.

Representing Jesus

Representing Jesus to the World



As believers in the Lord Jesus, we represent him to the world around us. Be careful that you represent him well in all you do.

Giving Lip Service to God

Giving Lip Service – Psalm 78:35-37



God is always faithful to us. But how do we respond? Do we serve him with all that we are? Or only give him lip service?

Looking for A Reason to Accuse

Looking for A Reason to Accuse – Mark 3:1-2



The religious leaders of Jesus' day looked for reasons to accuse Jesus and discredit him. Jesus' disciples today can expect the same thing.

Jeremiah: A Lesson in Faithful Service

A Lesson in Faithful Service – Jeremiah 15:21



Jeremiah's life is a lesson in faithful service to the Lord. His life seemed to make little difference. But he was faithful to God's call.

Love and Serve the Lord

Love and Serve the Lord – Joshua 22:5



Joshua's charge to Israel is appropriate for us as well. To faithfully love, obey, and serve the Lord our God.