A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Jesus has greater honor than Moses

Hebrews: Jesus Is Greater Than Moses (3:1-6)



To one raised in Old Testament Judaism, there was no one greater than Moses. But Hebrews here affirms that Jesus is greater than Moses.

John came preaching in the wilderness

Preaching in the Wilderness – Luke 3:3



John likely began preaching in the wilderness before he had much of an audience. He is an example of faithfulness to God's call in his life.

why are you downcast

Why Are You Downcast, Oh My Soul – Psalms 42:5



The cry of the psalmist is heartbreaking: why are you downcast my soul. Yet even in the mist of this, he continues to place his faith in God.

an enduring church

Philadelphia: The Enduring Church – Revelation 3:7-13



Philadelphia was a weak church that seemed to have little going for them. Except that they were an enduring church that was faithful to God.

Don't Be Taken in by Deceptive Philosophy

Don’t Be Taken in by Deceptive Philosophy – Colossians 2:8



Paul warns us against being taken in by deceptive philosophies that abound in our world. Instead, keep your eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus.

discharge the duties of your ministry

Discharge the Duties of Your Ministry – 2 Timothy 4:5



Paul's charge to Timothy included discharging the duties of his ministry. This speaks to me as well. Do all that the Lord has given me to do.

prosperity of the wicked

Don’t Envy the Prosperity of the Wicked – Psalm 73



Do you ever find yourself envying the prosperity of the wicked? If you do, you are not alone. But consider their fate, and rejoice in God.

walking with Christ

Walking With Christ: Backpacking as a Model



The Scripture uses many metaphors to describe walking with Christ. I have found that backpacking works well for me in describing that walk.

I am with you

I Am With You and Will Rescue You – Jeremiah 1:19



God's message to Jeremiah, "I am with you", is especially relevant to us today. Be faithful to God's call in your life, and he will be with you.

Tithing: Should Christians tithe today?

Tithing: Should New Testament Believers Tithe Their Income?



Tithing was a requirement under the Old Testament Law. But is it still a mandate for New Testament believers? Do we have an obligation to give financially?

watch your life and doctrine closely

Watch Your Life and Doctrine Closely – 1 Timothy 4:16



All believers, not just preachers and teachers, need to watch our lives and doctrine closely. Both for ourselves and those we influence.

Jacob and Leah

Jacob and Leah: A Happy Ending – Genesis 49:31



The marriage of Jacob and Leah is not likely one that you would see as being happy. Yet in the end, faithful Leah had victory over Rachel.