A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


blessed because of Joseph

Blessed Because of Joseph – Genesis 39:5



Does God bless faithfulness? I believe he does. And the story of Joseph shows that others will also be blessed because of our faithfulness.

For such a time as this

Are You Here for Such a Time as This – Esther 4:14



Like Esther, God has placed us here 'for such a time as this.' So make every effort to be a positive influence on the world around you.

traveling on the right road

Traveling On the Right Road – Proverbs 14:12



How often do we come to a fork in the road of life and choose the one most appealing, only to discover it was the wrong one? Choose wisely.

Accountability as a Believer

Accountability as a Believer – Luke 12:48b



As a believer in the Lord Jesus I have a level of accountability to God for what he was given to me. Will I be faithful to him? Or will I fall short.

no turning back

No Turning Back: Following the Call – 1 Kings 19:21



When Elisha is called to follow Elijah, he truly left all to follow God's call. For Elisha, there was no turning back. He was committed.

Responding to Challenging Circumstances

Responding to Challenging Circumstances – Philippians 1:12



How do you respond to the challenging circumstance that you might find yourself in? Paul tells us that God can use us even then.

How Long Will You Hide Your Face From Me – Psalm 13:1, 5-6



Does it sometimes seem like God had hidden his face from you? That he cannot be found? When that happens, trust in God and praise him anyway.

Give me this hill country

Give Me this Hill Country – Joshua 14:10-12



What hill country has the Lord placed you in? Always be ready to engage the giants who are there, working to drive them from their strongholds.

don't be afraid

Don’t Be Afraid; God Loves You – Matthew 10:29-31



Are you a child of God? Don't be afraid of this world and the people in it. You are of great value to God. So be faithful to follow him.

Fight the good fight of the faith

The Good Fight of the Faith – 1 Timothy 6:12



Paul calls on us to live a much more active life for Christ than we commonly do. Lace-up the gloves and fight the good fight of the faith.

prison ministry

Paul’s Prison Ministry – Acts 28:30-31



Paul spent two years under Roman arrest. But his prison ministry was fruitful. Don't let your circumstances keep you from serving God.

running the race

Faithful in Running the Race – Acts 20:24



Are you running the race that God has laid out for you? Or are you distracted by the cares and concerns of life? Strive for the finish line.