A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Free Will

Responding to God's sovereign will

Responding to God’s Sovereign Will – Jeremiah 11:7-8



There is always a price to pay for choosing my will over God’s. How much better to align my will with God’s and experience his blessing.

God as a chess master

God As a Chess Master – Isaiah 45:5



I can trust that God is sovereign over all things. This world may seem out of control. But it is not. God is still on his throne.

The Intersection between God’s Will and Our Will

The Intersection between God’s Will and Our Will – Matthew 23:37



There is room in the sovereignty of God for us to act in ways that are contrary to his will, even rejecting him as Lord.

sovereignty and free will

Reconciling God’s Sovereignty and Human Free Will



The sovereignty of God and human free will are often thought to be incompatible. But Scripture does teach that both of these are true.

God's plan and human choice

God’s Plan and Human Choice – Acts 2:23



God has a plan for your life that takes into account all of the choices you make. God uses human choice to accomplish his plan for our lives.

The doctrine of God's sovereignty and human free will

Arminianism: Sovereignty and Free Will



This post will look at sovereignty and free will from an Arminian perspective, including how we understand the Calvinist perspective of these doctrines.