A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

God's Love

The importance of humanity to God

The Importance of Humanity to God – Psalm 144:3-4



So, what importance could I possibly have to God? He created me and loves me. So much so that Jesus died so that I could have eternal life.

Not because of my righteousness

Not Because of My Righteousness – Deuteronomy 9:6



I am so thankful that God loves me despite who and what I am. He is always faithful. Even when I am not. Praise God!

Wrapped in the love of God

Wrapped in the Love of God – Jude 1:1-2



The picture here is of God, our heavenly Father, with his arms wrapped tightly around us. His embrace assures us of his love.

God live in us, if we love one another

God Lives in Us If We Love One Another – 1 John 4:12



As I love others, God’s love flows through me. And it does not leave me unchanged. It will work to transform me into the image of Christ.

Pursued by God's goodness and love

Pursued by God’s Goodness and Love – Psalm 23:6



God wants us to know and experience his love. God loves us more than we can imagine, and he pursues us with his goodness and love.

Christ’s Love Compels Us

Christ’s Love Compels Us – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15



There is no question about Christ’s love for me. But does my love for Christ compel me to live for him now? It should!

Jesus Wants Us to Be with Him

Jesus Wants Us to Be with Him – John 17:24



Jesus gave his life to rescue me from a fate I richly deserved. And now, because of his love, he wants me to be with him in his glory.

Welcoming and Eating with Sinners

Welcoming and Eating with Sinners – Luke 15:1-2



Rather than judging others unworthy of God's love, I need to follow Jesus’ example and share his love- even with sinners and tax collectors.

Sovereign Lord and Loving Father

Sovereign Lord and Loving Father – Psalm 138:6



We should worship God as sovereign Lord. And rejoice that he is our loving Father, loving him in return with all we are.

In Christ, we are more than conquerors

More Than Conquerors – Romans 8:37



What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing! Regardless of what we might face, in Christ, we are more than conquerors.

He has not hidden his face from us

He Has Not Hidden His Face from Us – Psalm 22:24



Life can be hard, even for believers. And it might seem like God has abandoned us. But he will never turn his face away from us. Trust him.

Is anything to hard for God?

Is Anything Too Hard for God? – Jeremiah 32:27



Is anything to hard for God? Sometimes it may seem like evil has the upper hand. But God is in control. And we can trust him to care for us.

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