A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

God's Love

Known by God

Known by God – Jeremiah 1:5



God knows me. And he did long before he created me. He knows me intimately. And he places and equips me to be best able to serve him.

What Can Separate Us from God's Love?

What Can Separate Us from God’s Love? – Romans 8:38-39



What can separate me from God's love? Nothing can! Wherever I am and whatever my condition, no thing or person can separate me from his love.

You are worth more than many sparrows

Worth More than Many Sparrows – Luke 12:4-7



A sparrow is an insignificant little bird, yet God cares for them. And Jesus assures us that we are worth more to God than many sparrows.

While we were still sinners

While We Were Still Sinners – Romans 5:8



Even while I was still a sinner, an enemy of God, he loved me, and Jesus died for me. Not because of who I was. But because of who he is.

He knows my name

He Knows My Name – John 10:3



Jesus knows my name, and calls me by my name. This is more than just being able to identify me. It means he knows and cares about me.

Grasping the Extent of Christ's Love

Grasping the Extent of Christ’s Love – Ephesians 3:18



To grasp the extent of Christ's love for us is beyond our comprehension. But it should be our goal to experience it in increasing measure.

Because God First Loved Me

Because God First Loved Me – 1 John 4:19



God loves me. In spite of who and what I am. And, because God first loved me, I am able to love other people in return.

As High As the Heavens

As High As the Heavens – Psalm 103:11-12



How much does God love us? David describes the scope of his love as being as high as the heavens above the earth. Immeasurable.

even the dogs under the table

The Dogs Under the Table – Mark 7:27-29



Jesus will show mercy to all who come to him. Even the unworthy dogs under the table who seem of no account. Jesus loves us all.

his love endures forever

His Love Endures Forever – Psalms 107:1



We can, and should, give thanks to God. Because he is good and desirable. And because his love for us endures forever. It will not end.

priceless love of God

The Priceless Love of God – Psalms 36:7



The unfailing love of God for us is priceless. There is nothing we can do to deserve or earn it. But God freely offers it to us.

when I consider your heavens

When I Consider Your Heavens – Psalm 8:3-4



O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers . . . what is mankind that you are mindful of them?