A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Jesus, a greater prophet than Moses

Jesus, a Greater Prophet than Moses – Deuteronomy 34:10-12



Jesus was faithful, even to the cross, and became more than a great prophet. He became our redeemer and savior.

No other name

No Other Name – Acts 4:12



Salvation is only available to us through the person of Jesus. There is no other way. All other roads lead to destruction.

The same yesterday, today, and tomorrow

The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever – Hebrews 13:8



Don’t let anyone deceive you into thinking that the gospel of Jesus needs a makeover to be relevant in today’s culture.

The greatest revelation of God is Jesus

The Greatest Revelation of God Is Jesus – Hebrews 1:1-2



There is no greater revelation from God than what we are given in Jesus, the Son. When Jesus speaks, it is God himself speaking.

Jesus: the One and Only Son

Jesus: the One and Only Son – John 1:18



So, who is Jesus? He is the Logos, the unique Son of God, who is himself God, and who became flesh in order to make God known to us.

A Priest in the Order of Melchizedek

A Priest in the Order of Melchizedek – Hebrews 7:17



Jesus' priesthood is, in a sense, like that of Melchizedek and greater than the priesthood descended from Aaron and mandated by the law.

Where heaven and earth meet

Where Heaven and Earth Meet – John 1:51



Jacob's dream of a stairway to heaven looked forward to Jesus, the one in whom heaven and earth come together. He is the way to God.

Jesus is "The Way"

Jesus Is “The Way” – Acts 24:14-15



"The Way" was an early term used to describe the followers of Jesus. And it was appropriate. Jesus is the way to the Father and eternal life.

The Source of Jesus' Authority

The Source of Jesus’ Authority – Mark 11:27-28



Is the source of Jesus' authority human or divine in nature? If it is from God, then we do well to listen to him and submit to his teaching.

Like sheep without a shepherd

Like Sheep without a Shepherd – Mark 6:34



Jesus is the good shepherd who cares for his flock. And he has compassion for those without a shepherd, inviting them to join his flock.

Was everything written about Jesus fulfilled?

Was Everything That Was Written about Jesus Fulfilled?



The Old Testament had much to say about the coming Messiah and his rule. Has all of it been fulfilled? Or is there more to come?

Jesus is able to save completely

Jesus Is Able to Save Completely – Hebrews 7:25



Jesus is our great high priest. And, because of what he did, and who he is, Jesus is able to offer us eternal salvation.

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