A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Lordship of Jesus

One Like A Son of Man

One Like A Son of Man – Daniel 7:13-14



Jesus is that one like a son of man Daniel saw approaching the Ancient of Days. The one who received an eternal throne and kingdom.

The Straps of His Sandals

The Straps of His Sandals – Mark 1:7



How great is Jesus? John the Baptist, whom Jesus identified as the greatest of humans, was not worthy to unfasten the straps of his sandals.

A Matter of the Heart

A Matter of the Heart – Romans 2:28-29



Being a Christian is more than what we do on the outside. It is a matter of the heart. It is a transformed heart that follows after Jesus.

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus? – Mark 14:61-62



Who is Jesus? There are many answers people give. But if you answer that Jesus is the Messiah, and give yourself to him, you will be saved.

What Must I Do to Get Eternal Life

What Must I Do to Get Eternal Life – Matthew 19:16, 21



The young man asked Jesus, "what must I do to get eternal life." And Jesus responded with "leave everything behind, and follow me."

Who Do You Say Jesus Is

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? – Matthew 16:15



People in our world today have a variety of opinions about who Jesus is. But what really matters is who you say that he is. Is he your Lord?

Revere Christ as Lord

Revere Christ as Lord – 1 Peter 3:13-15a



Peter encourages us to be eager to do good and to revere Christ as Lord, regardless of the way other people might respond to you.

called to live holy lives

Called to Live Holy Lives – 1 Thessalonians 4:7



God has called us to live holy lives, committed to him. And this is especially true concerning sexual immorality. Be distinct from our culture.

sitting on the fence

Sitting On the Fence Is Not an Option – Luke 11:23



Jesus said that we are either for him or against him. There is no neutral position. There is no fence sitting on this issue.

a lukewarm church

Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church – Revelation 3:14-22



Laodicea was a lukewarm church. They thought they were in good shape. But spiritually they were far from it. Jesus warned them to wake up.

revere Christ in your suffering

1 Peter: Revere Christ in Your Suffering (3:13-18)



How do you respond to suffering for Christ? Peter tells us to rejoice and revere Christ as Lord. And to always be ready to share the reason for your hope.

The lordship of Jesus

The Lordship of Jesus – Luke 6:46



Do you call Jesus Lord? The Lordship of Jesus involves being obedient to his direction. Honoring him with our lives and all that we are.