A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Lordship of Jesus

I will never fall away

I Will Never Fall Away – Matthew 26:33



How often do we affirm that we will never fall away, followed by failure? I am so thankful that Jesus is always ready to restore us.

leave it all behind

Leave It All Behind for Christ’s Sake – Matthew 19:29



What are you unwilling to surrender to the lordship of Jesus? His call is for us to leave everything else behind us, and follow him.

lukewarm church

The Lukewarm Church at Laodicea – Revelation 3:17



Christ desires his church to be either hot or cold. But how many are lukewarm churches, in danger of being spewed out of his mouth?

loving human praise

Loving Human Praise More than Praise from God – John 12:43



To believe in Jesus, but not publicly confess that belief is a tragedy. Don't let your love for human praise keep you from God.

following the good shepherd

Following the Good Shepherd – John 10:3-4



Jesus is the good shepherd. His sheep are those who recognize his voice and follow his leading. Who is it that you are following?

The exaltation of Jesus

The Exaltation of Jesus – Philippians 2:5-11



This early hymn is one of exaltation for Jesus, one who was fully God, who became fully man, and who died as a sacrifice for our sin.