A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Love Others

God cares about the needy

God Cares About the Needy – Deuteronomy 14:28-29



God cares for the needy. And it is good for us to share what we have with them. It is an act of love that will not be forgotten by God.

God live in us, if we love one another

God Lives in Us If We Love One Another – 1 John 4:12



As I love others, God’s love flows through me. And it does not leave me unchanged. It will work to transform me into the image of Christ.

Let love guide your discussion

Let Love Guide Our Discussions – 1 Timothy 1:5-6



The goal of our doctrinal debate should be to promote love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.

A group on the beach - Be devoted to one another with mutual love.

Devoted to One Another with Mutual Love – Romans 12:10



As a community of believers, be committed to each other. Not just having casual relationships but being devoted to one another in love.

Forgiveness signs: Two ways to respond to an offense

Two Ways to Respond to an Offense – Proverbs 17:9



Will we forgive and promote love and unity within the body? Or will we tell others about the offense, allowing it to cause division?

The Greatest of These Is Love

The Greatest of These Is Love – 1 Corinthians 13:13



The most important thing I can do as a believer is to love God with my whole being and to love those around me.

Heaping burning coals on your enemies head

Heaping Burning Coals – Romans 12:19-20



Defeat your enemies, not by taking vengeance, but by showing love. That is not the way of this world. But it is the way of God’s kingdom.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule – Matthew 7:12



How do we fulfill the Golden Rule? By loving our neighbor as we do ourselves and treating them the way we want them to treat us.

Following the Example of Jesus

Following the Example of Jesus – Matthew 4:23



You might not be a dynamic speaker or able to heal the sick and cast out demons. But you can share the good news of the kingdom with others

Be Kind and Compassionate to One Another

Be Kind and Compassionate to One Another – Ephesians 4:32



It is always appropriate to respond to those who hurt us with kindness and compassion. It can bring them healing znd restore our relationship.

Bear with the failings of the weak

Bear with the Failings of the Weak – Romans 15:1-3



Paul's message for those who consider themselves mature believers, is that we have an obligation to weaker believers, helping them to mature.

Overcome evil with good

Overcome Evil with Good – Romans 12:21



It is tempting when someone hurts me, to hurt them back. But when I do so, I am overcome by evil. Instead, do good to the one who hurt you.