A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This covers posts that relate to the general topic of love. God’s love is a distinct topic.

Restoring the fallen

Restoring the Fallen – Galatians 6:1-2



How do you respond to the brother or sister who has gotten caught up in sin? Paul calls on us to carefully seek to restore the fallen.

Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23



Exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit is only possible when we walk with the Spirit and let him work them out within our lives.

Faith expressing itself through love

Faith Expressing Itself Through Love – Galatians 5:6



We are not saved by anything we could possibly do, it is a work of God received by faith. A faith that expresses itself through love.

We are all one body in Christ

All One in Christ – Galatians 3:26-28



There are many things that divide us in the world. But as believers we have been baptised into Christ, and in him we are one.

Do everything in love

Do Everything in Love – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14



Be on guard, stand firm against our enemy. Be courageous and strong. But do so in love. Let love temper everything we do.

The Most Excellent Way

Love: the Most Excellent Way – 1 Corinthians 13:1-8



There are many things we might strive after as believers. But love, the most excellent way, should be right at the top of the list.

don't become a stumbling block to a weaker brother

A Stumbling Block to the Weak – 1 Corinthians 8:9



As Christians, there are many things that we are free to do. But don't be a stumbling block that leads another believer to sin.

The unending debt of love

The Unending Debt of Love – Romans 13:8



God's love for me obligates me to love others. Always continue to pay off your debt of love. And this will fulfill the Old Testament Law.

full of greed

Full of Greed and Self-Indulgence – Matthew 23:25-26



Many people live a life that appears good but are full of greed. Jesus tells us to clean the inside and then the outside will follow.

abandoned your first love

You Have Abandoned Your First Love – Revelation 2:4



The church at Ephesus was an example for service and obedience, with one hugh problem; they had abandoned their first love for Christ.

Loving God Means Keeping His Commands

Loving God Means Keeping His Commands – 1 John 5:3



Can you love God without obedience to him? John pretty clearly responds to that question saying that obedience to God is love for him. I cannot rightly claim to love God and blatantly disregard his instruction for my life.

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear – 1 John 4:18



Love drives out fear, fear of death and the judgement. When we abide in God's love we need not fear what is to come and can have confidence.