A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

power of God

God's strength is sufficient

God’s Strength Is Sufficient – Judges 6:14-16



Our strength is insufficient for the task God has called us to do. But he does not call us to a task without also giving us what we need.

Everything We Need for Godliness

Everything We Need for Godliness – 2 Peter 1:3



We are called to live godly lives. But we are not left to do it on our own. God gives us everything we need for godliness.

More than We Can Ask or Imagine

More than We Can Ask or Imagine – Ephesians 3:20-21



God's power is able to do more in our lives, and in his church, than we can either ask or imagine. His is the power to transform us.

The Power of the Kingdom

The Power of the Kingdom – 1 Corinthians 4:20



The power of the kingdom of God is most commonly demonstrated in the changed lives of those who have committed themselves to Jesus as Lord.

strengthened and protected

Strengthened and Protected – 2 Thessalonians 3:3



I can depend on the Lord Jesus to strengthen me with his power and to protected me from any attacks by the evil one.

Participate in the divine nature

Participating in the Divine Nature



What does it mean to participate in the divine nature? How do we go about doing that? And what are these promises that enable this life?

The power of the Holy Spirit

The Power of the Holy Spirit for the Believer



In some circles the Holy Spirit is the forgotten member of the Trinity. But the power of the Holy Spirit is essential for living as a child of God.