A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Second Coming

Serving God in the here and now

Serving God in the Here and Now – Acts 1:10-11



God wants us to be serving him in the here and now. And that is what we should be focused on while we wait for Jesus to return for us.

Waiting for the master to return

Waiting for the Master to Return – Luke 12:35-38



As we wait for our master to return, stay awake. Be faithful in serving him. And look forward to his return and the joy that will be ours.

Holding back the man of lawlessness

Holding Back the Man of Lawlessness – 2 Thessalonians 2:5-8



But we are not told who the man of lawlessness is. So, it is probably best to hold loosely to our thoughts on the topic.

The wolf and the lamb will live together

The Wolf and the Lamb Will Live Together – Isaiah 11:1-9



One day Jesus will return and gather his people from around the world to be with him. Then, the wolf will live with the lamb.

When Is Jesus Returning?

When Is Jesus Returning? – Acts 1:6



While we wait for our Lord's return, focus on living for him where we are, bearing witness to his love through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Make every effort to be found blameless, spotless, and at peace with God

Make Every Effort – 2 Peter 3:14



The eternal home I look forward to is not just something for the future. It should have a significant impact on my life now.

What to Do While We Wait for the Lord

Waiting for the Lord – Daniel 12:13



Instead of getting caught up in speculation about the end times, I should focus on living faithfully now and trusting God for my future.

Jesus Is Returning for His People

Jesus Is Returning for His People – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18



Death is not the end. Jesus is returning for his people, whether they have died or are still living. And we will live with him for eternity.





Dispensationalism is a theological framework that draws a shard distinction between ethnic Israel and the church.

Stay awake and watch

Stay Awake and Watch – Mark 13:35-36



What should we do while we wait for Jesus' return? He tells us to stay awake and watch. Be faithful to the task he has given us to do.

Are you ready for the wedding banquet?

Are You Ready for the Wedding Banquet? – Matthew 25:10-12



Jesus is returning for his people some day. Are you ready for his return? Or will you awake to hear him say, "I don't know you."

Coming on the Clouds of Heaven

Coming on the Clouds of Heaven – Matthew 24:30-31



One day we will see Jesus returning for us on the clouds of heaven. What a wonderful day that will be as we are caught up to be with him.