A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Two knights in a sword fight: The battle within

The Battle Within – Romans 7:15



The battle is between being the person I believe God wants me to be and the person I am comfortable being. Between the Spirit and the flesh.

What Can I Hide from God?

What Can I Hide from God? – Jeremiah 23:23-24



God knows what is in my secret places. I cannot hide them from him. God knows all the ugliness that I keep locked away inside.

So Judah went into exile

So Judah Went into Exile – Jeremiah 52:27b



Sin has consequences. For Judah, it was exile. For us, it is exile from the life of God. But, through Jesus, we can experience restoration.

A Warning against the World's Influence

A Warning against the World’s Influence – Deuteronomy 20:18



As believers, we need to guard against the influence of the world. We are not to be like the people around us. Be holy instead.

Praying for one who has sinned

Praying for One Who Has Sinned – 1 John 5:16



How should we respond to a brother or sister who sins? Rather than condemn them, or ignore their sin, we should love them by praying for them.

Forgiveness Doesn't Eliminate Consequences

Forgiveness Doesn’t Eliminate Consequences – Numbers 14:20-23



Forgiveness is always available to us. But that forgiveness does not always eliminate the consequences of our actions.

The worst of sinners

The Worst of Sinners – 1 Timothy 1:15-16



Who is the worst of sinners you know of? God's love reaches out, even to them. We should never assume that someone is a hopeless case.

A mediator between God and man

A Mediator Between God and Man – Job 9:32-35



How can sinful humanity ever approach holy God? We cannot on our own. But God has provided a mediator between himself and man - Jesus Christ.

What is the purpose of the atonement?

What is the Purpose of the Atonement?



What is the purpose of the atonement? Was it simply to forgive our sins? Or does it have a greater significance?

The sin that so easily entangles

How Does Sin So Easily Entangle Us?



Sin is much like the obstacles that can trip us up as we walk. Getting entangled with these obstacles can hinder, or end, our journey.

Sin Is Crouching at the Door

Sin Is Crouching at the Door – Genesis 4:7



God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door, but he must rule over it. And that is just as true for us. Don't let sin rule in your life.

Who Hardened Pharoah’s Heart?

Who Hardened Pharoah’s Heart?



During the series of plagues that hit Egypt, who hardened Pharoah's heart? Did God? Or Pharoah himself? The account gives the credit to both.

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