A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

God's Sovereignty

This will reference articles that touch on God’s sovereignty, including his foreknowledge or foreordination.

A predestined plan

A Predestined Plan – Acts 4:27-28



How does human free will interact with God's sovereign plan for creation? Does it frustrate it? Or are they compatible?

Rejecting God's call

Rejecting God’s Call – Luke 13:34



God desires all of us to come to him. Will we repent and turn to Jesus? Or will we reject God's call and face eternal loss?

An instrument in God's hands

An Instrument in God’s Hands – 1 Chronicles 14:10-11



Be a willing instrument in God’s hands, letting him use you as he sees fit. And glorify him for what he accomplishes through you.

Which comes first, Belief or God's choosing?

What Comes First, Belief or God’s Choosing? – 1 Peter 2:6-9a



Repeatedly in the Scripture, we find the call to believe, a call that, to me, does not make sense if it is something I am destined for.

God is working out his long-term plan

God Is Working Out His Long-term Plan – 2 Kings 19:25



It is comforting to know that, regardless of what we as humans might do, even in our rebellion against God, he is still in control.

Judging God, or trusting him

Judging God, or Trusting Him – Psalm 105:25



God is God. And I am not. So, rather than judge God, I will trust him in all he does. Even when I am unable to understand what he's doing.

God's master plan

God’s Master Plan – Ephesians 1:11



I can trust that the sovereign God is at work and has it all under control, guiding everything to his desired and planned conclusion.

A Fortuitous Coincidence?

A Fortuitous Coincidence? – Ruth 2:3



God is at work in my life, the lives of other believers, and the world—working to accomplish his purpose in creation.

God's plans will never fail.

God’s Plans Will Never Fail – Acts 5:38-39



But if we are where God wants us to be, we can have confidence that his plans will be accomplished; they will never fail.

God as a chess master

God As a Chess Master – Isaiah 45:5



I can trust that God is sovereign over all things. This world may seem out of control. But it is not. God is still on his throne.

God is sovereign over the nations

God Is Sovereign over the Nations – Psalm 47:8-9



Scripture teaches us that God raises up rulers and uses nations to accomplish his sovereign purpose for his creation.

Blueprints: God is in charge and has a plan

God Is in Charge and Has a Plan – Exodus 9:15-16



God is “working out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” No one can thwart his plan for us.