A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Take refuge in the Lord

Take Refuge in the Lord – Psalm 118:8-9



It would be hard to live without placing some level of trust in the people and things of this world. But even better is to trust in the Lord.

In the midst of the fire

In the Midst of the Fire – Daniel 3:25



Refuse to compromise and worship the gods of this age. Trust that, regardless of what may come your way, you will not go through it alone.

Judging God, or trusting him

Judging God, or Trusting Him – Psalm 105:25



God is God. And I am not. So, rather than judge God, I will trust him in all he does. Even when I am unable to understand what he's doing.

Insulting God by doubting his ability

Insulting God by Doubting His Ability – Psalm 78:19-22



How often do I follow Israel’s example and doubt God? How much better to trust him and experience him at work in and through me?

Expecting to see instant results

Expecting to See Instant Results – Exodus 5:22-6:1



Rather than expect instant results and become discouraged when I don't see them, I need to be faithful to my part and leave the results to God

The Lord takes the lead

The Lord Takes the Lead – Judges 4:14-15



God calls on us to stand our ground against our spiritual enemies. When we do, he will go in front and will lead us to victory.

I cannot, but God can

I Can Not, but God Can – Genesis 41:16



God never will ask me to do something that he will not help me to accomplish. When I trust in him, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

Give us today our daily bread

Give Us Today Our Daily Bread – Matthew 6:11



Ultimately, “give us today our daily bread” comes down to trust. Trust that God will provide for us each day. And acting on that trust.

Jesus said, "My peace I give you."

My Peace I Give You – John 14:27



The peace Jesus gives restores our broken relationship with God. And confidence that God is watching over us, protecting what is important.

I small hand in a large hand: Look first to the Holy One of Israel

Look First to the Holy One of Israel – Isaiah 31:1



Put your hope and trust in God, looking to the Holy One of Israel. He will never let you down, even when all else fails.

Jesus is the good shepherd

Jesus Is the Good Shepherd! – Mark 6:39



Jesus feeds and cares for his sheep, leading us along our life’s journey, and guiding us in the way we should go.

I Will Serve God If . . .

I Will Serve God If . . . – Genesis 28:20-21



Don't make your service to God conditional on perceived blessings. Trust him regardless of what your circumstances in life are.

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