A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


One gracious gift after another

One Gracious Gift After Another – John 1:16-17



Out of his fullness, Jesus has given us his gift of grace and truth to transform us, bringing salvation and eternal life to us.

Through belief in the truth

Through Belief in the Truth – 2 Thessalonians 2:13



What is the truth that some believe and others reject? Jesus said he was the truth–the only way to the Father (John 14:6).

Labor for the Church

Colossians: Paul’s Labor for the Church (1:24-2:5)



As Paul labored for the churches of his day, his goal was to see them be mature and firmly established in the truth. A good goal to mimic.

Is all that the Bible teaches true?

Is All that the Bible Teaches True?



Is all that the Bible teaches true? Yes, it is. But we need to understand that our interpretation of what it teaches is not always true.

If You Hold to My Teaching

If You Hold to My Teaching – John 8:31-32



Jesus calls us to move beyond believing him. He calls on us to hold to his teaching. And, if we do, the truth will set us free.

Jesus Is the Ultimate Truth

Jesus Is the Ultimate Truth – 2 Timothy 3:7



People can look for truth in many different places. And there is some in many of them. But the ultimate truth is only found in Jesus.

The Belt of Truth

The Belt of Truth Buckled Up – Ephesians 6:14a



In the spiritual battle we are engaged in, the belt of truth is important. Stand in the truth. Do not let the enemy lead you astray.

They Refused to Love the Truth

They Refused to Love the Truth – 2 Thessalonians 2:10



Don't be ashamed of the truth. Love the truth. Boldly proclaim it. But recognize that there are some who will refuse to believe it.

Jesus is the truth

What is Truth? Jesus Is the Truth! – John 18:37-38



What is truth? Jesus is the foundational truth on which all others stand. All others should be judged by him and who he is.