A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Welcome to A Clay Jar

The musings of an armchair theologian

This blog derives its name from 2 Corinthians 4:7, and it is a reflection of who I am: a fragile clay jar. I am nothing. But the one who lives in this fragile clay jar and has called me into his service is of great value. My prayer to God is that he will use this meager offering for the advancement of his kingdom.

This blog and all of the posts it contains are a reflection of my own thoughts and understanding concerning the Bible and theology in general. They do not necessarily reflect the teachings of the church or denomination that I am a part of. But I do pray that they reflect the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, working through me. I do consider myself to be generally conservative, although apolitical, and evangelical, holding strongly to the inspiration and authority of the Bible.

A Clay Jar Home Page

Daily Devotionals

Devotionals are short posts that deal with a single passage. They are produced on a daily basis and are a product of my own devotional reading of the Scripture. I offer them up in the hope that they will help you in your journey through life as a disciple of Jesus. Most of them are devotional, but some are more theological in nature. Below is the most recent devotional post, along with an older one.

Today’s Devotional

A Predestined Plan

Acts 4:27-28

How does human free will interact with God’s sovereign plan for creation? Does it frustrate it? Or are they compatible?


Barnabas: Son of Encouragement

Acts 11:25-26

Encourage fellow believers to remain faithful, to grow in their faith, and to find the place of service God has equipped them for.

Blog Posts

The blog page lists all posts in inverse order of their posting


These are longer posts that are theological in nature and are grouped by topic.


These are multi-post studies of whole books or specific topics.


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