- The God of General Revelation: What Creation Tells Us (5/28/2021) - Does God exist? How can we know that? And if he does exist, what is he like? What can we learn about God apart from the Bible?
- The Doctrine of the Nature of God (12/30/2017) - What is the nature of God? This post is a quick look at the attributes of God, the Trinity, his will, and some commonly raised questions.
- The Doctrine of the Work of God (1/7/2018) - What is the work of God? It involves creation of the cosmos as well as providence, the sustaining and governance of his creation.
- Do You Have God In a Box of Your Own Making? (3/27/2021) - Boxes help to provide limits and organization. And that is often a good thing. But putting God into a box is a mistake we all too often make.
- I Believe in God. And It Makes a Difference! (9/29/2011) - I believe in God; that he is real and that he has a purpose for his creation and for me. I cannot prove that to you, but it is reasonable.
- Origins: Where Did We All Come from? (10/5/2011) - Where has the universe, this planet, life, and myself come from; what are our origins? I believe God created it all, and science explains it.
- Understanding God’s Purpose in Creation (12/10/2013) - Does God have a purpose for his creation? I believe he does. I believe he is preparing a people who will serve him throughout the remainder of eternity.
- The Source of Morality (1/31/2014) - Where does morality come from? Is it socially derived from society or a product evolution? Maybe some. But much of it must come from elsewhere.
- Are Miracles Possible? (3/4/2014) - Are miracles real? A miracle is, by definition, an act of God. So if God exists, and I believe he does, they should be expected to occur.
- The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God (7/2/2015) - God is sovereign, and has a plan and purpose for his creation that will be accomplished. But his plan takes into account his foreknowledge of our choices.
- The Attributes of God: What is God Like? (9/30/2016) - What is God like? This post gives a brief overview of some of the attributes of God along with some scriptural support for them.
- God, Time, and the Future. What Does God Know? (11/1/2016) - How does God relate to time? How can God know the future? Does his knowledge of the future make free will just an illusion?
- The Doctrine of the Trinity (12/26/2016) - The Trinity is a uniquely Christian doctrine, teaching that there is only one God, but in three persons having one essence.
- Arminianism: Sovereignty and Free Will (9/4/2017) - This post will look at sovereignty and free will from an Arminian perspective, including how we understand the Calvinist perspective of these doctrines.
- Arminianism: Foreknowledge, Predestination and Election (10/4/2017) - God's foreknowledge and his election and predestination of believers are clearly taught in the Bible. But, for an Arminian, what do these terms mean?
- God Is Love: The Doctrine of God’s Love (11/8/2019) - The Bible says that God is love. But what does that mean? And how might we reconcile that claim with the evil we find in the world around us.
- The Hiddenness of God: An Objection to God’s Existence (12/20/2019) - Why does God seem hidden? Does he not want us to believe that he exists? Or does he want more? To have us respond to him in faith and love.
- Understanding the Creation Story in Genesis 1? (1/10/2020) - As modern day readers, how should we understand the creation story in Genesis 1. Is it a literal and factual history, a myth, or somewhere in between?
- What Is God’s Grace? (3/13/2020) - The Bible is filled with references to God's grace. But just what is grace? Unmerited favor begins to describe it. But grace is much more than that.
- The Joy of the Lord: Joy As an Attribute of God (4/3/2020) - Our God is a God of joy. He takes delight is all that he has made. And he calls us to experience that joy with him. Live experiencing the joy of the Lord.
- What Does the Bible Say About Heaven (4/10/2020) - Heaven is a common term in our vocabulary today. And one that is found throughout the Scriptures. But what does the Bible have to say about heaven?
- Where is God in the Midst of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic? (4/17/2020) - We are in the midst of a global pandemic with thousands of people dying daily. Where is God in all this? I believe that he is at work, even is this.
- Why Did God Create the Heaven and Earth? (5/29/2020) - Why did God create the universe, and us? It is not possible for humanity to fully understand God's reasons. But I believe grace is at the heart of it.
- The Absurdity of Life Without God: What if There Is No God (6/12/2020) - The absurdity of life without God is not concerned with what a person believes, but with actual reality. What if there really is no God?
- God, a Riverbank, and a Huckleberry Bush (8/14/2020) - What does a huckleberry bush have to teach us about the majesty of God? Lessons from sitting on the river bank thinking about God.
- Aseity, the Self-existence and Eternally of God. (9/4/2020) - One of the attributes commonly associated with God is aseity. That God is a self-existent necessary being who is eternal.
- Why Should We Worship God? (9/11/2020) - Why should we worship God? Because he is our creator, redeemer and Lord. In the end, every knee will bow before him. Why not start now?
- What Does it Mean When We Say that God Is With Us (11/27/2020) - Christians frequently say that God is with us. But what do we mean by this expression. What does it man to say "God is with us."
- What Does the Bible Say About the Wrath of God? (12/11/2020) - What does the Bible have to say about the wrath of God? And is the wrath of God at odds with a loving, merciful and gracious God?
- Should We Expect to See Miracles From God? (2/19/2021) - Does God still produce miracles in our world today? Or are miracles confined to the biblical times and no longer experienced today?
The Doctrine of God
The posts listed on this page are about God. The initial three posts were written as a part of a systematic theology class I taught. The following posts are those that I have generated over the years that have some relationship to the person and work of God. These posts primarily focus on the triune God and the first person of the Trinity, the Father. I have also written a brief summary, or credo, concerning my beliefs about God and a second that deals with creation and providence.